Can Mouth Cancer Get Cured on Its Own?


Can mouth cancer get cured on its own? Does mouth cancer need any treatment? In this video, Dr. Amit Chakraborty (M.S. Gen. Surgery, M.Ch. Oncosurgery) will guide us in-depth about this topic.

The Three Main Questions That Patients Have in Their Minds About Mouth Cancer Treatment are :

  1. Is mouth ulcer cancer?
  2. Does biopsy cause cancer?
  3. Is it necessary to cut a portion of their mouth in case of mouth cancer?

When people get diagnosed with mouth cancer, there is a cloud of fear that surrounds them. They feel reluctant to get the treatment as they think that they’ll be required to cut some part of their mouth so they’ll not be able to live the natural life they’re living right now. This is a very wrong way of confronting the disease.

It is very important that patients undergo whatever treatment their doctor has suggested. May it be chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It is seen that patients don’t consult a doctor during the early stages of cancer when it is very possible to cure it.

Also, Read- Early stage cheek mouth cancer

Patients come to the doctors when the cancer has already spread to most of the area of their mouth. It is when their nightmare of the requirement of cutting the affected area is the only option doctors have for preventing cancer from spreading any further.

When cancer spreads so much that the treatment options are limited such patients are sent into supportive care treatment.

Ulcers that stay for more than 3 weeks might be cancer & should be checked under biopsy. It is seen that in most cases the cancer spreads due to the patient’s negligence in the first stage of it.

About Author

Dr Amit Chakraborty

Cancer Surgeon

Dr. Amit Chakraborty is a Surgical Oncologist in Girgaon, Mumbai and has an experience of 15 years in this field. He is a well known cancer specialist with an expertise in diagnosing and treating head and neck cancer.

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