Elevate Your Head and Neck Health with Precision Head and neck cancer treatment by Dr. Amit Chakraborty. Discover Expert Options with Dr. Amit Chakraborty!


Head and neck cancer poses a significant health challenge globally, with a staggering 77,000 cases diagnosed annually. In India, it stands out as the most prevalent cancer among the population.

While smoking, tobacco, and alcohol are major contributors worldwide, the Indian population faces additional risks from smoking causes mouth cancer, smokeless tobacco, betel nut, and pan.

If you're seeking effective head and neck cancer treatment, you've come to the right place. Dr. Amit Chakraborty emerges as a best head and neck cancer surgeon in Mumbai, offering unparalleled expertise and compassionate care.

Contact us today to embark on your journey toward healing - Head and neck cancer.

Unlocking Advanced Techniques in Head and Neck Cancer Reconstruction

Dr. Amit's Specialized Expertise Revealed!

buccal mucosa cancer patient- Dr.Amit Chakraborty

Buccal Mucosa Cancer:

Dr. Amit is renowned for his expertise in mandible reconstruction, particularly for patients afflicted with buccal mucosa cancer. Dr. Amit's innovative approach involves utilizing a free fistula, along with its vascular supply, harvested from the lower limb. This innovative technique ensures effective reconstruction of the mandible, with the possibility of tooth implantation post-radiotherapy.

Tongue Cancer:

Tongue cancer, the second most common after Buccal Mucosa, poses challenges to speech and swallowing. Dr. Amit focuses on tongue reconstruction using a free radical forearm flap, enhancing post-surgery speech and swallowing functions.

Tongue Cancer- Dr.Amit Chakraborty
Larynx Cancer- Dr.Amit Chakraborty

Larynx Cancer:

Dr. Amit excels in near-total laryngectomy, preserving half of the larynx for phonation post-surgery. Tracheo-esophageal prosthesis (TBP) offers voice rehabilitation in cases where complete larynx removal is necessary.

Maxilla Cancer:

Subtotal and total maxillectomy, along with free radical forearm flap and free fistula flap techniques, form Dr. Amit's expertise in managing maxilla cancer, ensuring effective reconstruction and functional restoration.

maxilla cancer treatment- Dr.Amit Chakraborty
Thyroid Cancer - Dr.Amit Chakraborty

Thyroid Cancer:

Dr. Amit is an expert in thyroid surgery, particularly in performing hemi or total thyroidectomy procedures while carefully preserving the delicate parathyroid glands. His approach ensures optimal outcomes, especially for young females diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

Post Cricoid Cancer:

Salvage     surgery     in     the     form     of     total     pharyngolaryngectomy addresses residual esophageal disease post-chemoradiation. Tracheo-esophageal prosthesis (TCP) aids in post-surgery rehabilitation.

Post Cricoid Cancer treat,men- Dr. Amit Chakraborty
Explore Cutting-Edge Solutions for Head and Neck Cancer
Schedule Your Consultation with Dr. Amit to Access Advanced Reconstruction Techniques and Personalized Care!


  • Q: What is head and neck cancer?

    Head and neck cancer refers to a group of cancers that start in the head and neck area, including the mouth, throat, sinuses, and salivary glands.

  • Q: What are the types of head and neck cancer?

    There are several types of head and neck cancer, including oral cavity cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, thyroid cancer, salivary gland cancer, sarcoma of the head and neck, basal cell cancer of the head and neck, squamous cell cancer of the head and neck, and head and neck cancer of unknown primary site.

  • Q: What are the risk factors for head and neck cancers?

    Risk factors for head and neck cancer include smoking, alcohol consumption, chewing tobacco or betel nut, sun exposure, radiation, and inhalation of asbestos or wood or nickel dust.

  • Q: How is head and neck cancer diagnosed?

    Diagnosis typically involves a physical exam, imaging tests such as CT or MRI scans, and a biopsy to examine tissue samples for cancer cells.

  • Q: Can head and neck cancer spread?

    Yes, head and neck cancer can spread to other parts of the body, including the lymph nodes, lungs, and bones.

  • Q: What are the symptoms of head and neck cancer?

    Common symptoms include:

    • A sore that does not heal
    • Swelling in the neck or throat
    • Voice changes or hoarseness
    • Persistent sore throat not responding to antibiotics
    • Difficulty swallowing or breathing
    • Red or white patches in the mouth

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