Can Acidity Cause Throat Cancer?


Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux, is a common condition experienced by many, often brushed off as a minor inconvenience or an uncomfortable aftereffect of a hearty meal.

But could there be more lurking beneath the surface? Could something as commonplace as acid reflux potentially lead to throat cancer?

Let’s delve into this critical topic and explore the potential connection between these seemingly disparate health concerns.

Can Acid Reflux (Gastroesophageal Reflux) Cause Throat Cancer?

Yes, acid reflux can indeed contribute to the development of throat cancer. This assertion may sound alarming given the prevalence of acid reflux.

However, it’s important to note that not everyone who experiences acid reflux will develop throat cancer. The risk increases in the presence of chronic, untreated acid reflux, which can result in damage to the lining of the esophagus, a condition known as Barrett’s esophagus.

Barrett’s esophagus is a precancerous condition that increases the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma, a type of throat cancer.

How Does Acidity Cause Throat Cancer?

The link between acid reflux and throat cancer involves a cascade of physiological events. In simple terms, acid reflux happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) — a ring of muscle acting as a valve between the stomach and the esophagus — doesn’t close properly.

This faulty closure allows stomach acid to flow backward into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation commonly referred to as heartburn.

When a person experiences acid reflux regularly and doesn’t seek appropriate medical treatment, the constant assault of stomach acid can cause damage to the esophageal lining, forming ulcers.

If these ulcers do not heal, they can lead to changes in the esophageal cells, causing a condition known as Barrett’s esophagus. Over time, Barrett’s esophagus can progress to dysplasia, a stage of precancerous changes, and eventually, in a small percentage of individuals, to esophageal adenocarcinoma, a type of throat cancer.

How Can Acidity Be Utilized to Prevent Throat Cancer?


The key to preventing throat cancer in the context of chronic acid reflux lies in early detection of Throat cancer and appropriate management of the reflux.

Seek Medical Attention: If you’re experiencing persistent acid reflux symptoms, it’s important to consult a gastroenterologist. They will provide the necessary guidance for the management and prevention of further complications.

Undergo an Endoscopy: An endoscopy is a procedure that allows your Throat Cancer Surgeon in Mumbai to visually examine your esophagus and stomach using a flexible tube equipped with a light and camera.

It’s used to evaluate the extent of damage from acid reflux and to check for signs of Barrett’s esophagus.

Identify Any Ulcers or Wounds: During the endoscopy, your gastroenterologist will look for any ulcers or wounds in the esophagus. If any are found, a biopsy (a procedure to collect small tissue samples) may be performed for further analysis.

Start Treatment Based on Reports: Once the biopsy reports are received, your Throat Cancer Doctor in Mumbai will develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific condition.

This might include medications to reduce stomach acid, lifestyle changes, or in more severe cases, surgery.

Also, Read- Is Throat Cancer Curable?

Lifestyle Changes to Minimize Acid Reflux


Prevention is always better than cure, and lifestyle changes can significantly reduce the occurrence and severity of acid reflux. These include:

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight puts pressure on your abdomen, pushing up your stomach and causing acid to back up into your esophagus.
  • Avoid food and drinks that trigger your heartburn. Common triggers include fatty or fried foods, tomato sauce, alcohol, chocolate, mint, garlic, onion, and caffeine.
  • Eat smaller meals. Avoid overeating by eating smaller meals and not eating close to bedtime.
  • Don’t lie down after a meal. Wait at least three hours after eating before lying down or going to bed.
  • Raise the head of your bed. If you regularly experience heartburn while trying to sleep, put gravity to work for you.

Wrapping up

Acid reflux, while common, should not be taken lightly, particularly if it is chronic or severe. The potential link to throat cancer underscores the importance of addressing persistent symptoms and seeking professional medical advice.

A proactive approach can significantly reduce the risk of progression to more severe conditions and keep you on the path to health and wellness.

Remember, listening to your body and addressing health concerns promptly is the first step to a healthier you. Stay informed and proactive about your health – it’s your greatest wealth.

In case you need any more assistance or information related to acid refluxes or are worried about throat cancer, feel free to reach out. Our expert throat cancer surgeon will be happy to assist.

About Author

Dr Amit Chakraborty

Cancer Surgeon

Dr. Amit Chakraborty is a Surgical Oncologist in Girgaon, Mumbai and has an experience of 15 years in this field. He is a well known cancer specialist with an expertise in diagnosing and treating head and neck cancer.

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